We had a busy week, but everything got accomplished as planned...and without incident. Marilyn went directly back to work at Staples for the last few days before the big inventory, while Al got things ready with the General and combine trailer.
Al had some time to go and visit with his brother Jeff as he was planting corn, which is not really all that common in this area, but, the times they are a changing.
Al dragged Marilyn away from packing the camper on Wednesday, to get some things done in town and since the forecast was for rain...and lots of it...we decided we better get the combine loaded and hooked up before the monsoon. That little job went like a dream, with perfect weather and synchronized loading, it was like we hadn't just taken the last seven months off. Either that, or we are finally getting the hang of it.
It was a relief that we didn't get the rain that had been predicted...it was well to the south of us...nothing worse than starting out the season with a muddy camper. After we finished tying up a few loose ends in town, we were on our way out to get the General aired up so we could start the long drive to Oklahoma for the last time this year. Even though we still, technically, have to drive back twice again, it is in smaller trips and therefore, not noticeable. Relatively speaking.
So, with the rigs ready to go, we were time to take advantage of the strong NW wind that was blowing and set sail for the sunny south. Everything was going fine until we got south of Whitewood, when Al was coming up a hill, he noticed the General was lacking power...fuel filter, he figured. We called ahead to Carlyle to see if there was somewhere he could park the rig and get a filter to remedy the problem.
There had been a lot of rain in the Carlyle area...well over an inch...so we really didn't want to get into a pickle where we couldn't back out, or worse yet, get stuck. We got the green light to pull in at Wilnick Repair Service where Al got a filter, changed it out in the parking lot and was good to go.
Marilyn had to do a transfer of goods with her sister, Marg, who was good enough to meet in the parking lot. This year we would not be staying over at Casa del Johnstone. With the wind giving us a hard push, we decided to forge on and at least get across the border to Kenmare.
We got going again...the filter remedied the problem, and Al was able to stay in the "tall one" even going up the long hill before the border. Bonus. The border crossing went alright...the officer decided to look in the camper and had quite a struggle trying to get the steps folded out. For some reason, ever since we pulled it out of the parking space at home last year with the steps out and the cedar tree strategically placed to rearrange them into a sort of...spiral staircase...they just don't fold up like they used to.
After Al pulled in to the crossing, the officer went out with his "Geiger counter" and, upon finding no contraband, sent us on our way. We left the border and forged to Kenmare, where we would park for the night.
Or so we thought. The campground that we had stayed at in the past was almost full of campers...there were three or four empty spots...but apparently, it had been bought up by a large company and was a private spot for the oil guys. Just great.
We stopped at the Cenex to grab something to eat and asked at the counter if there was anyplace else in town. Nope. Not that they were aware of...but we were welcome to stay on the lot, but they didn't have power.
Power?...we don't need no stinkin' power.
We parked, got the jacks down, cranked up the generator, turned on the water heater and fireplace...cause it was only 47ºF and windy...then proceeded to turn on the furnace. The fan kicked in...yay! But no heat...the burner wouldn't ignite.
Oh well, the fireplace took the edge off and there are extra blankets...we'll survive. We were pretty tired and were going to close up shop and go to sleep, when we looked at the clock...8:30 was too early to hit the sack. We felt even worse when we realized it was only 7:30 at home. Must...fight...call...of...the...pillow...
Or maybe not...