Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1

View of the day-The last day of harvest in Canada for us.

Al went out to the field first thing in the morning and got everything serviced and the repairs made to the disappearing fingers and feeder lats. He was able to get going on the last of the oats by 10:30am. Marilyn stopped in Balcarres to pick up some lunch and then made the journey up to the field to take over for Al.

The oats that was left all went into the General and since the bin wouldn't have held it all anyway, Al took the last of the oats into the elevator in Balcarres after getting the semi spotted out in the field next to the wheat. There was only 35 acres of wheat left to combine in the same field, so Marilyn started in on it. On the first round of the field, she noticed that the header would lower but not raise...not a good thing when you are cutting the crop short and the terrain is rolling. After checking the header calibrations, it seemed the switch on the propulsion lever was the just wouldn't raise the header. With the header now lowered all the way to the ground, Marilyn backed up a bit while holding the button...and the header went up! So for the rest of the field, every time the header needed to be raised, we would have to stop and back up a bit to raise it...a real pain in the a**.

We decided to just "shut up and drive" to get the rest of the field this time there wasn't much left. Al called up to the Case dealer in Yorkton and they had a new switch and Marilyn was leaving at 4pm to go to Yorkton for theatre business, so they left it out in the "will call" box.

Marilyn had auditions at 6pm for a Christmas play with one of the local theatre groups...not acting...just directing and back stage stuff. They were getting ready for their Nov. 30, Dec 1&2 production for a dinner theatre, pub night and dessert theatre. After getting that out of the way, she went over to see how things were coming with the other theatre group that was getting ready for the big musical Jan. 25-27. Participation in that one is strictly backstage, painting sets and the singing.

Since the drive back to Balcarres would be late, Marilyn decided to suffer through the dial up at home and stay overnight in Yorkton. Al was able to get part of the Monday Night Football game watched before he lost signal on the dish, but he always has his Voyager DVR'd for backup.

Tomorrow the cleanup begins...again...

1 comment:

BrotherBear2188 said...

Hi, been reading your blog with interest. I was a custom cutter during the 80s and early 90s. Congrats on the finish to the small grain harvest.

Be curious though, to know if that switch fixes your raise problem. My bet is against it being the problem. Sorry. Hope I'm wrong.