Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 30, 2008

View of the day-Unloading at the of few times Marilyn had to wait for a big 'ol semi to finish.

Yesterday Al covered 125 acres and he was at it early today to try and match that number again...however, several moves cut down on the productivity. Marilyn had to wait for a couple of semis to dump before she could get the General unloaded and go out to the field.

They finished the field they were on and moved over to another one...and another one...and yet, another one...the last one took us back across the refuge. Marilyn didn't get a lot of hauling in, but managed to get some electrical work done in the General, so the day went fairly quick...which really was a shame because it was 70° and another beautiful fall day...why does it ever have to end?

The corn is getting close to ready, although some of the stalks still look a little one has started combining it yet. There were machines all around us still doing beans and the occasion field of sunflowers was combined. The weather is supposed to hold until next week, so hopefully there will be a lot of acres covered before then.

We broke with the usual and went out for supper at the bar then got back to the farm to have some fresh made Halloween cupcakes for dessert. Tomorrow is the last day of October already...

We'll be watching out for the goblins...

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