Sunday, June 7, 2009

June 7, 2009

View of the day-Something big must have hit this turbine near Wilton, ND to bend the blade over like that.

Broken Turbine

There was a Saskatchewan harvest crew parked at Behm's last night when we arrived and by the time we had gotten back there to start things up this morning, they had already moved out...apparently some people did set their watches ahead for the time change. While we were waiting for the truck to air up another harvest crew from Saskatchewan pulled in and we had a good visit before they went in for breakfast and we left for the south country.

We drove through rain all day today and it never did get above 48ยบ. The only place we ran into really nasty weather was just south of Ft. Thompson in South Dakota. It was raining so hard for a while that we just about had to pull over...the wipers could hardly keep it off the windshield. The heavy downpour didn't last very long and we continued on, passing and getting passed by the other two crews from home.

The crops look really good all the way down so far...maybe it was the rain making everything look so green or maybe it is because we are moving through these places at least 3 weeks later that we usually do.

Marilyn is certainly impressed with the new pickup and can't wait to test it out pulling the camper on the next trip down. A nice change having the automatic transmission and the engine brake...but the pulling power is amazing...might just pull the shop trailer behind the camper all season.

A long day of driving...almost 500 miles...made it through two states and pulled into Bassett, Nebraska just as the sun was going down. Once we got the truck parked and the header unhooked we drove 15 miles west to Ainsley to get a room for the night...and have our first (of many) Pizza Hut feeds. Why does it taste so much better down here?

Another day of rain tomorrow, but at least we have a north wind to push us...

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