Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

View of the day-Someone is getting new boots.

We knew we wouldn't be combining in the morning, so we decided to get another job on the list looked after and we went to see if the tire man had found any tires for the front of the a price that wouldn't break the bank. He actually had found some that were $100 cheaper than the last place we looked and he told us he could have them in tomorrow morning.

We were debating whether to take one at a time off so the tractor would remain stable on the trailer...unloading didn't seem to be necessary, since we wouldn't be needing it here in Gettysburg. It was 16 miles out to the farm where we were parked, so we came up with a plan to get them both off and into the shop...after all, it was chained and strapped down securely...where could it go?

We got the tires to town and had a visit with Shawn Gallagher who had one of his trucks in getting a tire repaired, then went back to the camper to wait for the call. Danny decided to wait until around 3pm to do a test and when he did, it was dry enough to start. We had to go out and move the combine about 10 miles to the field, and we figured for all the time it takes, we would take the header off to avoid any traffic on the gravel roads...lots of semis hauling and these young drivers don't seem to think there is a speed limit.

We stopped at the field first to pick up Danny and Casey so they could bring their tractor, cart and semi to the field. We got moved, hooked up the header and started in on our first field of spring wheat for the year. Al drove the tractor for a while, then Ryan showed up and took over, so he got a ride back to the farm to get the General to help with the hauling.

The clouds were looking like they could be brewing something, but we lucked out and everything stayed west of the river, then split to the north and south leaving us with the sun shining just as it started to set. We are combining right along the highway and are seeing a lot of crews moving through...and a lot of them are out making dust since it has finally quit raining for a few days.

We quit at was starting to get a bit tough and it is getting binned, so Danny didn't want to take any chances. Marilyn picked Al up at the bins where he left the General after unloading it. Too bad we didn't check the clearance lights with the truck soon as the key is turned with the lights on, the breaker trips for the lights...never even thought that would be an issue, so now we got some more fixing to do.

We went to Lucy's for supper then called it a day...a pretty good day for starting so late...

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