View of the day-Getting the General back in operation out in the field where Al left it after the ujoint gave out.
Fixing Big Gen was the first thing on the agenda today. We took the shop trailer out to the field to make sure we had the right tools for the job and after getting the drive shaft shifted enough to get the remains of the wrecked ujoint, we headed to town with it to see if we could find a new one.
The first stop was the Bearing Shop in Balcarres and it was our lucky day, because he had one that was just what we needed. With that out of the way, we went to the Esso restaurant for lunch, then went right back out to the field to see if we could get things back together...without too much 'disCUSSing'. verything went back together way better than we thought it would and after a test drive around the field, we called that job a wrap.
Next we had to make a run into Lemberg to pick up a pump that Marilyn's sister needed at Precision Ag in Carlyle and after wrestling that into the back of the pickup, we headed for the combine. We had left the combine with some canola on it when we finished the first round of the field last night, so we needed to get it unloaded first and Blaine came to the rescue with the cart to take care of us. Al had brought the trailer for the pickup head, so we got that unhooked, loaded and strapped down, then we went back to the yard where the camper was parked so Marilyn could fire up the compressor and start cleaning off the chaff that had collected in those hard to reach places. We had a strong wind blowing from out of the SE which made cleaning off the rigs a much of a treat as cleaning can be.
While Marilyn was working on the combine and pickup head, Al went to get the straight header from the wheat field where we had left it earlier in the week. After getting that back to the yard, we hooked it up to the combine so we could get that one blown off as well. With that dirty job done, we got it loaded on the high speed transport trailer and parked it off to the side until we move it back home...or somewhere.
The trip back to the camper was just across the yard, so we had plenty of time to clean up, cook supper and watch some football.
Well, one of us, at least...
Fixing Big Gen was the first thing on the agenda today. We took the shop trailer out to the field to make sure we had the right tools for the job and after getting the drive shaft shifted enough to get the remains of the wrecked ujoint, we headed to town with it to see if we could find a new one.
The first stop was the Bearing Shop in Balcarres and it was our lucky day, because he had one that was just what we needed. With that out of the way, we went to the Esso restaurant for lunch, then went right back out to the field to see if we could get things back together...without too much 'disCUSSing'. verything went back together way better than we thought it would and after a test drive around the field, we called that job a wrap.
Next we had to make a run into Lemberg to pick up a pump that Marilyn's sister needed at Precision Ag in Carlyle and after wrestling that into the back of the pickup, we headed for the combine. We had left the combine with some canola on it when we finished the first round of the field last night, so we needed to get it unloaded first and Blaine came to the rescue with the cart to take care of us. Al had brought the trailer for the pickup head, so we got that unhooked, loaded and strapped down, then we went back to the yard where the camper was parked so Marilyn could fire up the compressor and start cleaning off the chaff that had collected in those hard to reach places. We had a strong wind blowing from out of the SE which made cleaning off the rigs a much of a treat as cleaning can be.
While Marilyn was working on the combine and pickup head, Al went to get the straight header from the wheat field where we had left it earlier in the week. After getting that back to the yard, we hooked it up to the combine so we could get that one blown off as well. With that dirty job done, we got it loaded on the high speed transport trailer and parked it off to the side until we move it back home...or somewhere.
The trip back to the camper was just across the yard, so we had plenty of time to clean up, cook supper and watch some football.
Well, one of us, at least...