Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27, 2012

View of the day-Sunset over the grain cart with the Carmen elevator in the distance.

Best day yet…134 acres.  We got out to the field, serviced and got started just before 11am.  Again, the wind was vicious so tarping the truck was a challenge for Al.  Fortunately there was a big barn and a new shed to park beside to keep the tarp in one piece.

Marilyn had a plethora of visitors riding with her today…one family drove all the way from Wichita, Kansas just to get a ride on the combine.  Well, that and to visit with their uncles.

This field had three new terraces built on it and they were truly window kissers.  Thankfully they weren’t seeded so the header didn’t get wrecked trying to clean them up. Al did have a joy ride with the cart every time he came out to dump the combine.

While hauling grain into Carmen, Al was getting frustrated with the lack of organization in the line ups.  The truck line up is fed from both directions on the street, so everyone takes their turn…and the empty trucks have priority on the scale.  On more than one trip he had trucks cut in front of him to get on the scale…that lasted about three times.  The manager was the one waving trucks in but wasn’t paying attention to who got there first, so Al went out and had a discussion with him and a few of the truckers.  The next few trips in, it was as it should have been all along.

We cut the last stalk of wheat at 9:55pm and Al took the last load into Carmen, then drove the General back to Cherokee.  Marilyn fueled up the combine with what was left in the slip tank, then went back to Cherokee and filled it up again at the pumps, before packing it in for the night.

Except for the trip to the library for internet… 

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