Sunday, September 4, 2016

September 4, 2016

View of the day-The dreaded first round of the field...especially on a borderline dry day. Good thing the big 9230 was the one breaking trail.

A colder, dismal, cloudy day, but there were hopes that the rain would stay away and the sun might come out for a while. That never happened, but the farmer decided to give it a try at 1pm...just to see where it was at.

We went into town for brunch...wasn't on par with the Painted Hand Casino brunch, but it filled us up. We went directly from Kipling out to the field and got the combine cranked up and went out to see how it would go through. The stalks were a bit chewy, but it was going not too bad...all things considered.

Marilyn went back to the camper to make some coffee to take out to the combine, then jumped in with Al for the rest of the afternoon. Just as we were finishing up the field on the west side of the water run, Al saw a piece of wire go into the combine. Unfortunately it didn't come out the other end and we could hear it ticking with every turn of the rotor.

We took the combine over to the shop trailer to get some tools to open it up and find the wire. We found it wrapped around the front of the rotor, but getting it out was going to be a task. As luck would have it, Alexander was driving by with the grain cart and stopped to help out. With Al moving the rotor by hand and Alex under the feederhouse pulling the wire out in pieces, we were able to get it all out.

After putting it all back together, Al moved over to the other side of the field where the other four were working and helped them finish it off. Marilyn moved the pickup over and put another drone video together.

Hopefully the forecasted rain stays away...

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