Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18, 2009

View of the day-Nope, it's not from the archives...WE GOT TO COMBINE TODAY!!!

We got to sleep in...nice after a late night...then made plans to visit the combine later on. We stopped for brunch at the Cedar Cafe in the greenhouse, just down the road from us, the grabbed a coffee and hit the road.

We got out to the combine and it started like a top, Al moved it over to the new field and Marilyn followed in the pickup. Al cut a test and after checking it on the little tester, he decided to take it over to his brother, Jeff's shop to test it on his elevator tester. It tested just under 14% moisture...not very good when 9.5-10% is considered dry...but it was going in an air bin and since it looked like it was only going to get dryer, the farmer said we could start.

Marilyn started combining and Al got everything moved with the help of the farmer, by the time he got organized, Marilyn almost had a truckload for him to take to the bin. Straight cutting the canola went surprisingly well because it is standing up pretty good in most places and the freezes we had over the past couple of weeks pretty much killed the stalks. There is some shelling, but that was to be expected and it was a lot less that what there would have been if it had been swathed first, then picked least that is the theory.

We actually got to combine with the lights on, a nice change...everything was going smoothly, until Marilyn got a call from Al on the radio while he was on his way back from the bins. He wondered if it was raining at the field because it was sprinkling at the bins. Marilyn could see some sort of mist in the headlights but there wasn't anything collecting on the windows...or more importantly...the header. By the time Al got back to the field, it had started to collect, so we had to shut down. We did get 40 acres done...not bad considering it was 19 days ago that we last cut.

Then we had the commute home...

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