Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, 2009

View of the day-Waiting, waiting, forever waiting...actually from a few days ago.

Nothing earth shattering from the harvest end of things for yesterday and Marilyn spent the day driving to Moose Jaw and blog entry.

Yesterday, Al went out to dump the canola that was on the General and get everything serviced so it would be ready to go when the weather allowed...someday. Marilyn drove to Moose Jaw to set up the computer that she had repaired for her parents. She also had to give her mother a quick lesson on the operation of the bread machine she had brought...and of course, had to wait for the fresh loaf to come out for a taste test before leaving for home. The trip home was less hectic because all the traffic from the Roughriders game in Regina had thinned out by the time she went through. It was just after midnight when she got home...a busy day of driving...and it was trying to snow.

Today we had someone come and look at the camper...they played their cards close to their chests...we couldn't tell if they were interested or not...Al is hoping for 'not'. Marilyn worked on posters for the dinner theatre all day and Al...watched football. What else is new.

Another cold dreary day and news from Esterhazy was that it was raining down there for part of the day. It was on the verge here as well, but all we got was mist...almost as bad.

Let's hope a new week brings new weather...

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