Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012

View of the day-The neighbours start servicing before dropping the pickup heads for the move to their next field.  That flag took a kicking in the wind today.

We decided to go into Balcarres for breakfast today.  There was a restaurant at the gas station that we had been to in the past, but as we pulled up, we could see that it was now closed...permanently by the looks of things.  So we drove down town to see what we could find...Kevin's Cafe looked good. 

Apparently, they just kept the name when they bought the cafe, because we're pretty sure Kevin is not a common name where they came from...and then there was the Chinese cartoon that was entertaining the little boy.  We managed to get our order in...then got it later, mostly wrong.  The woman was having a hard time understanding what "over easy" and "soft bacon" were, even though Marilyn tried everything but sketching a picture.  What the heck, we ate what she brought out.

Once we were full, we went out to do some servicing and move the equipment over to the next field.  Marilyn cut a patch to park everything on, then we took the sample in to the elevator...16.8%...we wouldn't be combining today.  Still, we finished moving over the tractor and General, then dumped the sample and what was left in the cart into the semi.  

The day was really cool...had to dig the jackets out...and the wind was crazy.  The canola and field pea swaths were really catching hell.  The short time Marilyn was in the combine, the wind was really moving it around and trying to unload without the grain blowing off the truck was a challenge.  And don't forget what kind of a task getting the tarp closed on the trucks was...but Al has mastered parking just right, so there were no catastrophes.

Al took the semi into the elevator to dump it before going up to haul canola for Bob with it.  Marilyn went into Fort Qu'Appelle to get groceries, then she went back to the camper...done for the day.

Al was hauling back to the bin where the camper is parked, so when he came to dump the trucks, Marilyn could go out for a visit.  He was able to stop between loads to have supper before taking the truck back out.  He was hauling with the tandem and semi, so there was plenty of time for a break.

No combining for us again tomorrow, so it will be more of the same...

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