Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 28, 2012

View of the day-Making the last pass on the 2012 harvest season...bittersweet.  Al is happy to be done for the season...Marilyn, not so much.  Perhaps if it was cold and snowy, she might think otherwise.

We knew it was going to be another short day, but that didn't keep Al from getting up early to get the trucks and cart unloaded.  Marilyn got out to the field around 10:30am and got started combining right away.

Al only had a couple loads to take from what was left in the field...this last quarter section had a lot of sloughs in it and most of them had connected together leaving lots of little pie shaped pieces.  Once again we had banker's hours and finished the field...and the 2:30pm.

Marilyn went back to the camper to get showered up while Al took the truck to the elevator to dump, then took it out to Bob's canola field and then brought a full truck of canola back to the yard where Blaine was going to dump it.  It was Al's turn to clean up, then we were off to Fort Qu'Appelle to have a quick snack.

After our supper at Dairy Queen, Roger, Al's toy show buddy, and his wife Linda picked us up and we went into Regina to watch the Regina Rams take on the Manitoba Bison at Mosaic field...their nephew was playing for the Rams. This is the highest ranking Canadian college football which would be equivalent to Division 2 college football in the USA. 

It was a gorgeous night for football...full moon, 72ºF, not much wind to start with and an action packed second half.  The Rams pulled it out with only 28 seconds left in the game. Just a perfect night.

We stopped at Walmart on our way out of the city...Linda needed a few things and Marilyn can always find something she "needs".  We got there just as they were announcing the store would be closing in 15 minutes...WHAT?!  So much for that...hardly worth grabbing a cart.  Al and Roger waited in the McDonald's until we were through the registers, then we took off back to Fort Qu'Appelle...stopping at Tim Horton's to get a coffee for the road.

After getting dropped off at our pickup at the Dairy Queen...Roger had driven...we went out to the field to get Shimmy, the little Dodge, to bring it back to the camper at 12:30am.

Cleaning and loading tomorrow...

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