Friday, August 30, 2013

August 29, 2013

View of the day-Last load is ready to make the trek for the border.

We were up early...really early...about 4:00am, to the sound of the wind blowing hard and lots of thunder. Then it started raining, but fortunately we were only catching the southern tip of the big storm that was passing through the area. By 5:00am, it was all, at least.

We got up for good around 8am and went out to the farm to see if there was going to be a problem getting the rigs out of the field. Once again, we were lucky that the farm was 5 miles south, so there wasn't as much rain...even though the rain gauge on the combine showed 4 inches. That was due to the fact that Marilyn had flushed it out with the pressure washer from the roof of the combine and hadn't emptied it.

The trip up was uneventful, even though there were a lot of law enforcement hiding behind the hills waiting for speeders...but that was not us. We stopped for fuel at Wilton, then didn't stop again until Kenmare...and that was a waste.

We fueled the Dodge again, then when we were paying, asked if we would be able to park in their lot overnight...we would have to ask "Don" over at the Ace Hardware/New Holland store. We went over there and had to wait 45 minutes to talk to him...first he was at lunch and would be back at 1pm, then he was late, then he was on the phone. Anyway, when we did finally get to talk to him, he said that a lot of people had asked to park and they have decided to just say no to everyone. Now what? We said nothing, and left...but someone will hear about it.

Marilyn took off ahead to see if she could find someplace in Bowbells. Nothing. Then she spied an independent equipment/repair place just north of Bowbells, so she stopped in and managed to get permission to "park in the back away from his equipment". Which we did, then we turned around and headed back out to the farm to hook up the combine and get it chained down...then came back to the camper at Menoken.

After getting cleaned up, we went into Bismarck...Al was having supper with Mike Tompkins, from Pingree and Marilyn finally got to do some shopping. Not at any of the good stores, they were closed already.

A midnight run at Walmart...

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