Friday, June 8, 2007

June 8

View of the day-loading the truck for it's one hour wait in line at the elevator in Harrold, TX.

Woo-hoo, another 100 acre day, even with a breakdown and having to move a few miles.

Things were running smoothly, we even got rolling by 10am, but with only 5 acres left the knife broke. We spliced it back together and it lasted one round before it broke again, and after doing the same repair, the third time it broke the bolts, we decided to see what the cause was. Originally it seemed to be the fact that the wheat had been broken down and was lying close to the ground. There were also various weeds intertwined with the wheat and that seemed to keep stopping the knife by jamming it up with the rope-like stems.

We figured the wobble-box that drives the knife could be the problem, so after removing it, we were able to get hold of the Case IH ProHarvest brigade again and they saved the day by bringing us out a new one, and once it was mounted back on the header, we were off. So, even with the two hour delay, we finished the field and made the move to the next 160 acres.

So far the crops have been running anywhere from 24-50 bushels per acre, and since the weather has smartened up, moisture is down around 9-10%. With only slight chances of precipitation for the next week (although we never trust the weekend forcasters) we will hopefully be finished by Monday and be ready to move north to Cherokee.

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