Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4-Happy Independence Day!

View of the day-The Canadian weather front moving in.

The day started out with such promise, the sun was shining, the wind blowing, and we actually got rolling shortly after noon.
We got the field finished just as Marilyn noticed the combine was vibrating a bit too much. Al looked in the engine compartment and discovered a couple of bolts loose on the gear box, so we were almost back where we started.

The clouds started gathering and it looked like they were going to go west of us, when all of a sudden the heavens let loose. We were able to get everything tarped and into the yard before the roads got to sticky. As the rain came down, Al decided to road the combine into Great Bend, 22 miles, to get it fixed at the shop, but it would have to wait until tomorrow because of the July 4 holiday. Perhaps lightning will strike and put us out of our misery.

Speaking of Independence Day, we thought since it had rained, w
e would be able to go see the fireworks display the city puts on every year. The rain followed Al into town, and it poured for a while then cleared off enough to let the show go on. Well, we got the cameras charged, pop bought and headed out to find a good spot to view the action. About an hour prior to the show, they announced it was being move to Friday This didn't stop the rest of the city from lighting up.

All day long the fireworks were being lit up, although we thought it was a waste of the display during daylight hours. We parked out of town along the highway and could see all around us the fireworks being lit up in all areas. This was no bottle rocket/firecracker show either...these folks spent the big bucks, there was some real great stuff. It was unreal the amount of smoke that hung in the air since the wind had all but disappeared the visibility was down to a couple blocks. The cut off time is midnight for setting off fireworks, and we are still hearing the loud booms. Maybe the cops will cut them some slack, since they didn't get the professional show.

It only rained 1/4 inch at the farm...

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