Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 24, 2008

View of the day-Notice the wind sock just above the cab of the pickup...and guess which way we are travelling.

It was a rough night with the winds blowing violently, so badly in fact that we decided around 6am to wait another day in Gettysburg in the hopes that the wind would slow down somewhat...or maybe even change directions.

After lunch we decided to hell with it and hooked up to move south. We thought even though it was windy, we should put some miles behind us since we had already lost a couple of days...even if it meant puddling along. We left around 1:30 and decided that Bassett, Nebraska would be our destination, probably 225 miles. When we arrived there, we still had plenty of daylight left, so we decided to drive until dark and stop wherever we landed. It was a struggle most of the way and we did have a short delay as one of the camper tires shredded and we had to have a pit stop along the highway to change it. It works a lot better when the shop trailer is hooked on behind the camper, rather than being in the box of the truck. Oh well, the exercise of climbing into and out of the box can only be good for us.

It had rained during the night and was still misting through the morning, but as we drove south the clouds had started to clear off. As we neared the interstate in SD there were all kinds of weather warnings...bad storms, possible tornados, in the area that we had just passed through...another coincidence??? By the time we had reached our destination, adding another 150 miles, at Elm Creek, NE right on the interstate, there wasn't a cloud in the sky...but boy, was there water! The campground lady told us they had gotten 5 inches in the last few days. There have been a lot of flood warnings in the area and south, so hopefully we will be able to miss all that action as we continue on, although it looks like they may be getting hammered in Oklahoma tonight.

Shiver and Shake(the horse Al has a share in) ran his first race on Friday and came in third!

No internet in the campground, so this goes out in the morning from the truckstop...

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