Monday, May 26, 2008

May 25, 2008

View of the day-The new combine finally loaded in Great Bend, Kansas.

WOW, what a day! We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, with just a hint of a breeze...coming from the NW no less. We started rolling and things were looking pretty good...til around noon. We could see skiffs of clouds started to congregate and then the wind switched out of the SW, then picked up some more and we were back to the old way of travelling.

We made Great Bend and stopped at the dealership where the combine was getting it's final prep before hitting the fields. While we were loading up we could see the sky getting darker in the north...where we had just come through... and the clouds were starting to look ominous. Once we got the combine strapped down we left town hoping to get to Cherokee, OK before dark.

We listened to the radio all the way down, fighting the wind and looking in the rear view mirror as the reports of tornados on the ground in the places we had driven through on the way down. We managed to stay ahead of the storms until we reached Cherokee. We unhooked the combine trailer from the General and headed over to the loading dock to unload the shop trailer.

We reached the dock but it had no trespassing signs on it, so unloading the shop trailer was out for the evening. We had parked the camper in our usual spot in town and our "landlord" informed us of a ramp in Burlington, about 20 miles north of that's where we head in the morning.

The only place open for grub in town was Pizza Hut, so off we went to Al's favorite eatin' spot. While there we watched as the bad weather started moving closer and closer...we were in a severe weather warning. By the time we got back to the camper, lightning was flashing, the wind had picked up quite a bit and it started to rain...make that POUR. It came down hard for about a half an hour, hailing a bit every now and again, then finally move on. After a short break, it started raining again and continued into the night...minus the lightning and thunder.

Tomorrow we make our destination...

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