Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May 27,2008

View of the day-The Chopper that Clay won at the Texas Hold'em Tournament...pretty nice set of wheels.

It was a hot and humid day, one of those days where you just know something is going to happen with the weather...and it did.

We started out with the intention of getting the combine ready...putting in the radios, mounting the fire extinguishers, extra lights, etc. Marilyn needed to get the phone hooked up so we thought we would run into Frederick to get that done and to see if we could find something out about the overheating in the pickup (among other things). We found a very friendly mechanic who hooked the truck up to his computer and he found a few things we knew about and gave us some suggestions (and prices...) on what we could do to rectify the problems. We knew the radiator was probably a big part of the overheating and he confirmed it and pointed us in the direction of the "Radiator King" in town...he was out for lunch.

We got back to Davidson, started in on the combine and managed to get partway done when the skies opened up and it just poured. We sat it out in the camper, then decided to go over to the local "Hop & Sack", or as we call all convenience stores down here...well, actually any convenience store...the "Zippy Mart" for a pop. There were 5 locals sitting at the tables having an ice tea, and the first thing they said when they saw us was "funny how this rain showed up the same time you musta brought it with ya". We seem to get a lot of that over the course of the season...we also get blamed when its cold...ah, the life of the scapegoat.

After the ice tea break, we decided to go to Vernon to do laundry and get a few groceries, but while we were getting ready the power went out. We waited for an hour for it to come back on and then left anyway without the laundry...time was ticking. Marilyn went into Walmart to get 'a few things', and Al waited in the truck. This turned out to be a good thing because while Marilyn was inside, all hell was breaking loose outside as another round of rain and wind hit the town. Al was waiting at the door for Marilyn so no umbrella was needed...not that one would have withstood the wind. We got back to the camper in one piece to find the power back on, thank god for A/C.

Not a real productive day...

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