Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 26, 2008

View of the day-Unloaded in Davidson, Oklahoma.

We made it through the night with no catastrophes...and no internet, hence the fact that the blog is ending up a day late.

We had to unload the shop trailer from the grain truck so we went to Burlington, where we knew there was a ramp. Unfortunately with the rain from the night before it was a bit sticky getting the pickup backed up the ramp...then getting it back down with a loaded shop trailer. We got it done and didn't need a tow strap.

Once we got back to Cherokee, we got the combine hooked back up to the General, the shop trailer hooked behind the camper, had a lunch with our farmer, then left town fighting the SW wind all the way to Davidson.

And fight it we did. We did see a couple of other crews moving south and actually one moving north...can't figure that one out. It was't until we were 25 miles from our destination that we actually saw combines in the field making dust. It was only one field though, it seems everyone else is waiting for it to dry down a bit.

When we finally got to Davidson, the campground was already filled, except for our reserved spot under the only tree. After getting the camper set up and the A/C running...after all it was 94 degrees...we went to unload the combine.

The lot where we usually park was filled with all kinds of trailers, trucks, carts and combines, so finding a spot wasn't easy. After getting it unloaded and parked, we went by the elevator to see if any samples had been brought in. The guy manning the scale said there was still mostly testing going on and it was only east a ways that they were going full scale. This was good news, since we had a few things to install on the combine, not to mention getting the yield and moisture stuff set up.

Back at the camper, while Marilyn was getting the dish set up, a young lady and her four month old baby from the next camper came over to inquire about aiming the dish. She had been trying for the past three days with no luck...a new camper with "satellite ready" hook-ups. Marilyn went over to help out, and after aiming the dish and running a cable though the slide had it up and running in no time at all.

What a relief to finally be at our destination...

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