Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17, 2008

View of the day-The neighbor wants to bale the straw so he combines it on his own.

Another beautiful day...can it possibly last? Al had a truck to unload and then we started moving things back to Carlyle.

Al had talked to his brother from Gerald, near Esterhazy, and it had rained a bit yesterday so no one was getting any work done up there. When we had everything back in the yard, Kim came back with a severely injured feeder chain that had lost a battle with a huge rock. We still had the pickup head on our combine, so while Kim went on the road to find a new feeder chain, Al jumped in to finish off the last 40 acres of canola that he had left.

While Al was doing the combining, Marilyn, Marg and Gordie dismantled Kim's combine so that when he got back with the parts it would just be a matter of threading the new chain theory...and actually, that's just how it worked out. Tomorrow he will be back in business.

And we start loading to move north again...

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