Wednesday, June 24, 2009

June 24, 2009

Hot hot hot

View of the day-The temperature today on the truck...and check out the comparison to the winter one.

It wasn't an early should have been to beat the heat, but it was already cookin' at 9am.

Al went over to Dacoma to settle up with our farmer there, then we moved the big rigs from the loading lot out to the street so they would be ready to go bright and early tomorrow. After a quick cleanup, we were off to Enid to visit the bank and do a bit of shopping...anything in air conditioning today was a must. It was surprising to see all the combining that was still being done along the way...and the amount of fields still standing, although most of the guys combining were locals...

After finding the bank in downtown thanks to Marilyn's dyslexia...701 not 107 Broadway, we went to check out the Staples to pick up some printer ink. Marilyn was a bit homesick...just a bit, but was surprised to see the guys in the Tech shirts were actually out on the floor helping customers. She was also impressed with the bulk bins where you could fill up plastic containers with your choice of paper clips, binder clips and tacks...what a brilliant idea.

By the time we went to Atwoods to check out the tools, we were only a half an hour away from meeting our available farmers for supper at Applebees, so Walmart was out of the question. It's like a nap...if it can't be at least 2 hours, it's not worth laying down...ditto for shopping, from Marilyn's point of view at least. We had a great supper and then Al went with the farmers to settle up and Marilyn went off to find the Walmart.

Marilyn was done shopping before Al was finished with his business, so she waited until he was delivered back to the truck at Walmart. We drove the 55 miles back to Cherokee...taking a scenic route...the ever treacherous short cut and then settled up with the campground landlord.

Tomorrow is gonna be a killer...

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