Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 15, 2009

View of the day-Rain, rain and more rain on the way through North Dakota...the corn looks to be loving it. We had an inch of rain from both storms yesterday and more are due today.

Marilyn was up extra early to take advantage of the great bargains that are usually available during Gettysburg's Crazy Day. After an hour of looking around, she came back to the camper with three bags of treasures...and one was doughnuts.

We got the back seat of the pi
ckup packed to the top with the farm toys Al had purchased over the last couple of months, threw in an overnight bag and the laptop then headed north. We stopped at the farmers to hook up the header trailer and he gave us a Tiger Lilly that he had pulled out of the garden...we knew we couldn't take it to Canada, so Marilyn left it for others to enjoy in Herried, SD.

We continued on our way, stopping in Sterling, ND to have coffee with our Canadian harvester friend Lynn and then on to Minot. We stopped to pick up a few things and have a snack at McDonalds then stopped again in Kenmare to fuel up before getting to the border.

We made the border with plenty of time to spare, even with the wait we had while three cars of Manitoba people tried to get through with all their purchases. They didn't seem to be too happy as they came out with the receipts for the duty and taxes they had to pay. We, of course, had plenty of room on our purchases since we had been out of the country for a couple of months.

We got to the farm at Carlyle and after seeing all t
he new toys they had acquired over the summer, went in to watch the football game and get caught up on the crop conditions.

Tomorrow we unload the toys...

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