Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3, 2009

View of the day-The Steelers were at it again in Regina. What a difference from two weeks ago...then 33ºC/91ºF, this time 33ºF/1ºC...and not dressed for the evening. The boys lost but managed three touchdowns...their best to date.

We got to sleep in after a frosty night...down to 30ºF, we thought the sun would warm things up, but the clouds weren't going to let that happen.

We left for Regina around 11am and did a bit of shopping...browsing, kill some time before the football game. While Marilyn went in to look around one of the outlets stores, Al stayed in the truck and decided to give Kim a call to gab a bit...he got a surprise to find out he was sitting in his pickup in the same parking lot.

We followed Marg and Kim out to the University of Regina football field and waited for the game to start at 5:15pm. We weren't anticipating the weather, although Marilyn did bring two umbrellas, this time in case of didn't rain but they came in handy to block the biting wind. We really could have used those insulated jeans and flannel jackets hanging at know it's cold when "I don't need a jacket" Al, has the heat jacked up all the way home to thaw out. It was a good game just the same.

We left the field after the game then went to pick Jeff up from his in-laws to give him a ride back home, then we met with Marg, Kim and Gordie for supper before grabbing a Tim Horton's coffee and hitting the road for the 2.5 hour trip back home.

Al dropped Marilyn off at the camper to crank up the heater while he drove Jeff back to his farm over at Gerald, then when he got back to the camper, when directly to sleep.

The fresh air really kicked the stuffing out of us...

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