Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

View of the day-Al stands guard as the combine gets fuelled…just enough to finish the field, without adding too much weight to get stuck in the terraces.

We met John at breakfast and made plans for the day. We went out and serviced the combine, then Al & John made the first round to find out where the seed would be cut…and Al made sure to cut wide around the standing water. Marilyn took over once the guys had everything marked out and managed to get everything finished without getting stuck.

We got the header unhooked and ready to move to the next field. John’s son-in-law and his father had big trouble with their R7 Gleaner…engine issues…and they had 50 acres left to do, so we drove the 11 miles SE to the field and got started. Marilyn was having severe power issues…alarms had been going off since we started in the morning…even after we blew out the air filter. Fortunately, we had picked up fuel filters, so Al replaced the water separator filter and BAM…back in business. What a change and it helped a lot when Marilyn found the water sitting in the terraces…but never got stuck.

We finished the field around 9:30pm, then Al took the last load to the elevator and Marilyn stopped at Pizza Hut to grab supper. Of course, it was 9:55 and they closed at 10, but they were gracious enough to give us a ‘leavin’s pizza’…one made with whatever they had left…and even gave Marilyn a large iced tea while she waited.

We are needed up the road so tomorrow is cleaning day…yay…

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