Wednesday, August 4, 2010

August 4, 2010

View of the day-A meshing of brilliant minds has finally solved the tipping header problem.

Al was up early to get set up for the Richie Brothers auction online. He was shaking his head at the prices that some of the equipment was bringing. He didn't have a number, so he wasn't directly involved...except to be relieved that the pickup heads went for more than we paid for ours...which was still too much, in frugal Al's opinion.

The welding shop is just across the street from our camper so when the welder man came over to tell us we could bring the cart trailer over after lunch, we knew he had finished with the header trailer. We went over and got the Freightliner running and Al took it to the shop where they unhooked it with the forklift. Al brought the header trailer back to the camper and we proceeded to put it together with crossed fingers, hoping that all would work as we had figured.

Marilyn had come up with the idea of using a long pipe with two tubes fitting into the brackets that we already had. Al added the idea of having an adjustable holder at the end for the cross pipe and Mr. Bliese, the welderman added an adjustable down tube for the bracket...SUCCESS AT LAST! We got it put together on the trailer and loosened the ratchet straps all the way off...and it didn't tip. We still have a bit of tweaking to do with the brackets at the back, but at least one person can load and unload it without having a catastrophe.
Al picked up the Freightliner and cart trailer after they got the cracks welded, then came back to the camper and fought with the decision on whether to do a test or not..."or not" won out.

We went to the VFW for supper and Marilyn had her trusty bingo dabber with her so she could take the monthly bingo game in. Al left for the camper after supper was over and Marilyn went to play bingo...along with 11 other regulars, and managed to win the first two games. This didn't make her to popular with the crowd...newcomers luck, they said...then the lady next to her won about 10 times. Which made her unpopular with Marilyn.

Back at the camper, Al made a few phone calls to see if any of the other elevators in the vicinity would take wet wheat, so we could get going sometime this month. He had a bit of luck and since we actually had a rain free day, it might not be too wet to go tomorrow.

Twenty-five acres a week is just not cutting it...

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