Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010

View of the day-First load out of the camper.

Another cloudy day...no rain though...but still not a great day for drying. We decided we would take a load of camper 'stuff' home to Yorkton...you know, the summer clothes that hardly got worn, the sewing machines that didn't get used, that sort of thing.

Al was having ear problems...insert your smart comment here...and made an appointment to go see a doctor in Arcola to get the wax cleaned out...if that was the problem. Marilyn started cleaning out the closet and making piles of things that were not needed anymore. She had gotten a huge plastic bag, about the size of the truck box, to keep the stuff in the box dry in case we ran into some weather on the way home.

Al made it back in record time with a prescription to clean his ears...apparently they weren't so bad that the doctor had to route them out. We finished loading the pickup and left for Yorkton...no rain to be found.

We ordered a pizza and while we were waiting, Al went and got a jug of water to take to the farm and Marilyn went to get his prescription filled at Superstore. They told Marilyn it would be 20 minutes so she did a lap around the store to kill some time, then went back to get the prescription...and she was told that it was for some over the counter stuff which they proceeded to grab off the shelf...thanks a lot for the wait.

We got out to the farm and unloaded the truck, then Marilyn went back into town to get a much needed hair cut while Al got reacquainted with his old friend the massaging Lazy Boy recliner. Done for the day.

And all we have for internet...is...dialup...

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