Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

View of the day-Al gets to do some cutting at home, even though it is green…the grass and the lawn tractor.

After a couple of hours and several attempts at getting yesterday’s blog online with the dial-up internet at the farm, Marilyn gave up in disgust. Waking up to no coffee in the house was not a good start to the day, either.

We got to sleep in and when Al called down to Carlyle to see how the weather was, he was informed that it had already rained half an inch and it was still raining…no rush to get back today. He went over to the neighbours and borrowed their riding mower, since Al has the fall shift of mowing both yards. When Marilyn went to pick him up, she discovered there was pretty good wireless signal in their yard…something to remember in the future.

After the mowing was done, we went into town and Al stopped to visit a friend sitting in line at the elevator then made his rounds of the Case dealer…where he got to pick up the jacket they had made for him for buying a combine…Marilyn’s was not yet in.

Marilyn stopped in at Staples to pick up some shredders for Precision Ag, and use their wireless to get yesterday’s blog uploaded. While in there, she ended up doing some wide format print designing for the store…nice to be back, even if it was only for a short while. We went out for a late lunch, then drove out to look at some land that was for sale, before stopping at the new Peavey Mart and, of course, Wal-Mart. Marilyn ran into the grocery store in town to pick up a few things…COFFEE…since the cupboards were bare. While she was going through the busy checkout, the clerk saw the name on her shirt and asked if the combiners were back home and that her husband has been following the harvest run online. It seemed to be a strange environment to hear that, but hello to Marion’s husband and thanks for following!

Back at the farm, with no cable, satellite or internet, Al parked in his recliner and started watching some DVD episodes of Star Trek Voyager. Marilyn went into town to sit in on the first rehearsal the theatre group was having for their Christmas production. She is usually the stage manager, but with harvest going like it has been, she will be lucky to get a ticket for the show in December.

Another call down to Carlyle gave us the news that they ended up with an inch of rain…great…

It looks like Al will get to go to the Terriers hockey game tomorrow…

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