Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010

View of the day-The old tandem sits in the field waiting for some action...maybe tomorrow.

We had a shower go through this morning...not forecast...again. It stayed cloudy until mid afternoon, then we finally got to see blue and on, at least. We knew there would be no combining today, even thought the wind was blowing.

Marilyn spent the day working on the computer while Al and Kim worked on the combines and headers, getting all the little things looked after...we're ready to go as soon as the grain is fit.

Since Marg and Gordie were in Estevan at football practice, we grabbed a pizza and had supper with Kim in the house. Al stayed in to watch the CFL game on the big screen and Marilyn went back to the camper to get some more work done.

We are over the hump now, the weather is supposed to be sunny and hot...relatively speaking...for the weekend, at least...

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