Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 25, 2010

View of the day-Sunset at Carlyle, with the promise of some dust making tomorrow.

It was a gorgeous day, warm and sunny, unfortunately the humidity was still pretty high so there wasn't a lot of combining going on in the area. It seemed a shame since the weather was perfect.

Marilyn worked on getting a new floor cover cut out for the combine cab, then proceeded to give the windows a good cleaning. The squeegee had a notch right in the middle of the rubber blade and was a crappy unit anyway, so after trying to trim it down smooth impossible job...she gave up and chucked it in the dumpster. That squeegee sucked right from the store. Back to cleaning them the old way and Marg had a set of 'magic' cleaning cloths and they did a beautiful streak free job...even though Marilyn misunderstood the directions and used the wet cloth as the dry one and vice versa.

Marg had also been washer her Jeep with the hotsy pressure washer and had left it outside when she was done, so Marilyn decided to give the Dodge a scrub while she was in the cleaning mood. It looks just like new, except the magnetic signs didn't fair so well...we were due for new ones anyway.

As the insanity continued, Marilyn dug out the bread machine and decided to make a batch of cinnamon buns...or carmel rolls, if you prefer. While the bread machine did most of the work, Al watched the CFL football game and Marilyn worked on the computer. The buns turned out heavenly and the Riders won their football game and the Terriers won their hockey game...perfect.

Tomorrow, if the humidity stays down, we are scheduled to start combining at 10:30am...but even if we don't, we will be making dust at some point during the day.

And all week, by the look of the forecast...

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