Friday, May 6, 2011

May 6, 2011

View of the day-Al checks over the rig after arriving at the first stop of the journey. Carlyle, SK at the Precision Ag parking lot.

Marilyn was up early to put in one more day of work at Staples...well, a half day from 7am -noon. Al was getting organized at home and by 2pm we had the Dodge loaded up and were on our way to get the Freightliner from the auction barn.

We had a slow trip to Carlyle, even though it is only 110 miles, it took forever it seemed, because the roads were chewed up so bad and the "patches" were a joke...except that they weren't the funny kind. Top speed most of the way was 45 mph and that slowed down when we hit the rain south of the Trans Canada highway.

We made Carlyle and after Marilyn and her sister, Marg, did their annual job of fixing the wiring on the cart trailer...this time it was an easy fix, since the cord had just been dragging and rubbed through the coating. It was far easier than last year when we had to do major wire chasing to find the bad connections.

Al and Kim worked on getting the draper header out of the barn where it had been stored over the winter. After getting the sprayer moved out of the way, Kim used his four-wheeler to pull the header out as far as he could before spinning out...the bottom brace of the header trailer got high-centered on the cement drain way in the barn and it just didn't have enough oomph to get it out. Once Kim got the tractor hooked up to it, out it came without a problem and after getting it hooked up to the Dodge and checking the lights, we had a rig ready to roll.

So tomorrow we see what the border has in store...

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