Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

View of the day-Marilyn got a new rig to help with the cleanup.

Al was up early...only because he couldn't sleep. It might have had something to do with the mouse that had moved in while we were away. Marilyn spotted him running across the counter and laid out a trap line of sticky traps, which got the job done around 3am. These traps are not the 6x10 inch ones that she used in Pingree...they are 2x4 inches and hold one mouse quite nicely. Unfortunately, they are small enough that the mouse can move them around as they squirm...which this one did and it woke Al up. After checking it out, Marilyn just left it where it was, hoping that it would finally stick itself and...pass on. Al couldn't sleep knowing it was there and he "doesn't do mice", so Marilyn had to get up again and throw it out the door, where she hoped the cats that had been visiting would take care of it...and not get stuck themselves. At any rate, it was gone this morning.

Marilyn had a trip into town on the agenda in the morning...stop in at Staples to see her peeps, then get a few groceries. Al had taken the General and combine trailer out to Danny's to park it for the season, then he brought the General back to Yorkton.

Marilyn got a wake up call when she went in to Staples for her visit...she was put back on the schedule to start working this Sunday! That means nose to the grindstone getting the camper cleaned up and the house back in order. Al called while she was shopping and got her to meet him out at Yorkton Auction Centre, so out she went to see about getting our new purchase...the hot water pressure washer. Something that Marilyn has been wanting to get for quite a long time.

Al spent part of the afternoon trying to get the old Marquis running...with no luck, so we will be a one vehicle family until he figures out what is wrong with it...unless Marilyn decides to joy ride in the General. Marilyn continued on with camper unloading...a lot less stuff in this camper, but still a task. After Al gave up on the Marquis, he went back out to the Auction Centre to bring the grain cart home.

Marilyn can't wait to break in the new rig and start cleaning...

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