Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4, 2013

View of the day-All rigs in the yard for service work.

Rain during the night and into the early morning meant there would be no combining we figured it was time to do a bit of maintenance work.

We took a drive over to the Case IH dealer over at Storthoaks to pick up a filter and some oil to do a change on the combine. We stopped for lunch in Redvers, then came back to the farm to get to work. 

Al got the oil changed, then tightened a few of the chains while Marilyn got all the higher hour greasing done. While we were working on the combine, Kim was getting the trucks from last night unloaded, then he did some cleaning on his combine.

After we had gotten everything done that we wanted to, Marilyn decided to help Kim put his Outback autosteer in his swather...just for practice, of course. We got the first part of it accomplished, under the watchful supervision of Buttons the dog, then we took a supper break and finished up the job just after dark. After taking it out to the field for a test drive, we called it a night.

With no more rain during the day, we should be good to go in the morning...

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