Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 22, 2015

View of the day-The combines sit in the rain...too wet to even get to the rain gauge on the combine.

We didn't have any rain during the night, but around 7:30am it started sprinkling, which turned into rain, which continued almost all day. We hung around the camper until around 4pm, then took off for a road trip.

We drove past the field where the combines were parked, but didn't go much past the approach. It was wet...real wet, and still raining. We carried on south to Kenossee Lake, where we went out to Kim and Marg's cabin for pizza, and to watch the debacle that was the Saskatchewan Roughriders football game. They still have a perfect record 0 wins 8 losses.

By the time the game was over, the rain had quit and the clouds were clearing off, which means it will likely be a chilly night in the camper. We headed back to the camper to call it a night. Hopefully the fireplace will be enough to take the chill off.

With an inch of rain, we're pretty sure we can sleep in tomorrow...

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