Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6, 2015

View of the day-There's the could take a little bit out for the floating chaff.

Another down burst this morning, then the sun kicked a few of the clouds out of the way and the wind was blowing hard. We did pretty much nothing but watch the BlueJays and the Roughriders...both won their games. The Riders finally won one, they are now 1-9 for the season.

After the games were over we went for a drive into Kipling for an ice cream cone and to see what the results were from the rain. We stopped at the combine and opened up the trap doors to let the water out that had been pounded in. There was water laying in the low spots of the fields, but since we are done with the straight cutting, we should be able to spot any traps before falling in.

After a tough day like that, it feels like nap time...

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