Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 14, 2016

View of the day-Al in the canola, not going as fast as the swather apparently did...lots of beaver huts to break down.

Monday was a cold and windy day. It gave us a taste of what is to snow, at least. We went out to do a bit of work on the combine and header, but as soon as that was done, we were back in the camper. It was not a drying day, so we spent the day in the camper.

Around 5pm, Al got a call that the guys were going to go give it a try, so off he went. Marilyn heard him come in at midnight.

Tuesday we got out to the field early, got the combine serviced and they finished the field they were on and moved north near the yard. Marilyn helped shuttle some of the vehicles to the new field, then took off for Yorkton for a theatre meeting. There were lots of combines in the fields on the way up, which was good to see. 

First thing she did when she got there was to go out to the farm for extra blankets and a space heater for the camper. The furnace has been jinx...but we want to save the propane and this heater does the trick. After a stop at staples for a visit, it was time for the meeting, followed by the first read through for the upcoming production in November. After grabbing a coffee for the road, she headed back to the camper.

Today we serviced early again and while the guys were combining, Marilyn ran into Windthorst to buy some disappearing fingers for the auger on the pickup head. Since we had been having fuel sensor issues, she picked up a new sending unit to be put on at a later date. Where once the tank was always full, it is now always empty...according to the gauge, at least. Marilyn discovered one of the blades on the sensor had broken right off, so it was beyond repair. The combine still runs and Al counts on the neighbours gauge to have an idea of how much he has left in the tank.

After getting back from the parts run and making some lunch to take out to Al, she helped move to the next field just down the road. The dust was flying and the pickup heads were growling. As Marilyn stood outside, she could hear the combines taking turns getting plugged was kind of like they were talking to each other across the field. 

Marilyn figured it was time to take the drone for a spin. It's the time of year that she will have to watch out for Canada geese flocks flying past. No incidents today. 

After killing two batteries, she got in and rode around with Al for a while.

There was a gorgeous sunset tonight, but since she was in the combine when the best of it was happening, the only thing she could do was get the farmer in his combine coming toward us.

Nothing but great harvest weather ahead...

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