Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017

View of the day-One of three pull-type combines working across the road from us today.

Al was out early to start combining in the oats. If today went without incident, it would be the last of the oats. Marilyn didn't need to go out until lunch time, so she worked on getting some water issues looked after at the camper.

Marilyn had gone back to Yorkton on Friday to be ready to hit the floor at Staples first thing Saturday morning. It was her weekend to work, so she got to see what the latest happenings were in the bright lights. Not much new that she could see.

On the way back Sunday after she finished work, she was surprised to not see a lot of combines in the field. Wait. There were combines in the fields, they just weren't making any dust. In the 100 miles back to the field, she saw two...which was't much considering how perfect the weather has been.

Today was a different story. There was dust flying everywhere and there was very little wind, which made it just hang. And it was HOT...even by southern was over 92ºF. But it was a dry heat...only 17% humidity.

We did get the oats done, then got moved a couple miles over to the first of the spring wheat. After cutting a semi load for a test "sample". We called it a day.

We'll see what the sample tells us tomorrow...

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