Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 4, 2019

View of the day-Not a lot of dust coming from the oats.

We were on our way to the field by 10am. Even though there had been a lot of rain, the windows still needed attention from the squeegee. While the rest of the guys were servicing the machines, the farmer took his combine out to do a test and according to their tester, the oats were dry enough to start.

They went out and cut a bit more and something plugged up...not the rotor or chopper, thank heaven. The straw was still pretty tough and there could have been moisture in the "return/rethresher" area from all the rain sneaking in thanks to the driving winds. It took some dismantling, but eventually it was cleared out and ready for action.

A second test of the oats showed the moisture was actually a lot higher than the original 14% on the tester. They all moved to higher ground to work on a quarter section that was drier. They finished that, then moved to the next higher field. The wind was blowing pretty good, but it was overcast and there were rogue showers off and on...not enough for it to run off the header.

Marilyn was back at the camper, doing a bit of outside work with the water filter/softener and sewer hose. She also got started doing some bookwork...a job that had seen some procrastinating for quite a while.

The combines went until 9:30 then shut down. There was lightning all around, but none of it brought anything to this area. 


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