Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015

View of the day-Not one of our pictures, but one taken with a drone way back August 21 near Kennedy. We are the lower left combine.

Another early morning and a productive day. Still in the canola, but we are over on the hilly side of the field. Even with half a hopper it's quite a chug to get up over the ridge. Here is a shot of Al from the top of the hill...the picture doesn't do it justice.

We had one issue with parts today. When Marilyn got to the end of one of the swaths, she turned around and discovered a large part laying in the swath where she had just come from. This part came from the inside of the combine, just behind the auger bed under the is the full width of the combine and the wire fingers on it are at least 18 inches. Since Marilyn didn't have time to take a picture, this parts one will help to illustrate.

The odd thing about this part, is that it actually came out the back of the combine with only one bent wire. How it managed to fit between the spreaders and shaker pan at the back is a complete mystery...and the spreaders show no sign of injury. At least it wasn't important enough to hold up combining production. The part went in the back of the pickup and Marilyn continued on.

At one point, there was the raw aroma from a skunk...a strong, rank smell. Out in the canola stubble you think it would be easy to spot...they don't really move that fast and in the wide open spaces it would really stand out. Not so. There was no sign of it, other than the tell tale smell...and it didn't go through the combine.

There must have been one visiting back at the camper, too...

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