Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19, 2009

View of the day-Al loading into the semi on the last field in Hamill.

We were up earlier than usual, which isn't saying much these days, but we didn't get going any earlier. The elevator wasn't opening in Winner until 1pm, and the farmer wasn't sure he wanted to take it there anyway. The sample he took in yesterday tested 15.7% moisture, 55lb test weight...the same truck went into Kennebec and it was 12.5% moisture and 60lb test weight...doesn't take much to figure out where he wanted to go.

We got a ride up to the field and Al got the loaded grain cart moved out to the road so that he could load it on the semi when it got back from the elevator. Marilyn moved the empty Freightliner back to the lot where the trailers were since we wouldn't be needing it...yet. Once it was parked, she went out to the combine for a quick service job before going out to do a was over 15%, so they decided to try the next field and see if it was any better. It was, so we started right in to get the back half of the semi filled so he could get on his way.

Since it was only yielding around 30 bu/ac, Al wasn't really run ragged and the field came together quickly...until the cart and the combine got full...then we had a 15 minute wait for the semi to get back. Once he did, the dust flew until we finished that field and moved over to the last 30 acres. It had dried down enough for us to finish it up, but we weren't going to see the semi again...which meant Al was going to get his trip into Winner whether he liked it or not.

While Al and the farmer got the cart and pickup moved around, Mrs. farmer rode around with Marilyn until the field was finished, the moved our pickup into town for us. We had a full cart load to move, so Marilyn left a half a hopper on the combine and we drove the 4 miles back to town in second 9 mph you get to see a lot of scenery.

The forecast is for rain tonight and the radar is already showing some strong stuff headed our way.

Just what we don't need...

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