Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4, 2009

Leaving KansasView of the day-Everything is loaded and ready to head for South Dakota.

We ended up getting the tail end of the storm that was threatening all day, not sure how much rain fell but their were a lot of large puddles this morning. Al was up early and went toy shopping...came home empty handed...Marilyn showed him how it was done later in the day.

We were planning to go out and get everything loaded earlier in the day, but it was pretty mild out so we put it off for the evening. Of course, this being July 4th all you could hear all day was fireworks...kind of a waste in the daylight, but what do we know. We decided to fight the crowd and purchase some fireworks for this evening...and fight the crowd we did. There certainly is no shortage of money when it comes to fireworks...we bought a small box and bag full and it was over $100...most people leaving had to take the shopping cart out to the vehicle to unload their booty.

Al decided to check his eyelids for cracks since he had gotten up early and Marilyn got to do a leisurely lap or two around Walmart then after a quick supper, we headed out to the bins to finish loading and get some lights working. Something electrical is always going wrong, this time it was the flashing amber lights on the trucks which we got working after completely gutting them.

As we drove back to Great Bend, the sun had already set so we were able to see the fireworks all across the horizon. The city decided not to have a big fireworks show but that didn't matter...the locals more than made up for it. We sat outside the camper and watched for hours...from 9pm to some pretty impressive fireworks lit the sky and there was just enough wind to take the smoke away so there was always a clear view. It is well after midnight and they are still lighting them off.

We don't want to do any moving this holiday to avoid the traffic with the wide loads, so we will kill another day before striking out for South Dakota on Monday.

Likely see the inside of the laundromat...

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