Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1, 2010

View of the day-The morning line up, Kim's 2388, our rig and Bob's 9600...ready for action.

Another perfect harvest day and we got a later start today...well, later than normal but WAY earlier than yesterday. All machines were running but we had to be a bit careful because now we had mud issues to deal with.

There had been a lot more rain up here and there were a lot of low spots...and a couple of water runs where the water was still standing and we had to cross to get to other parts of the field. Fortunately, we had the tractor and cart, so nobody got stuck trying to get the trucks loaded.

Al had a hydraulic hose on the tractor wear through, creating a messy leak, so he went into town to get a new hose made. While he was gone Marilyn had a bit of downtime when the hydraulic motor running the pickup belt on the header quit running. After checking it out, we discovered that the key way had worn away and the motor couldn't get a grip to turn the shaft. Al was still in town, so he picked up a piece of key stock and when he got back, we put it all together and were back in business.

We got the field finished by 4:30 and had another day with bankers hours, but that was it for the canola. Once everything was moved back to the yard, we went over to Bob's where Kim's mom had made supper for us, then it was back to the camper.

After all, there was a CFL game on TV that Kim and Al had to watch...

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