Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 10, 2010

View of the day-Al moves the combine trailer with the combine to get it on to solid ground so we can load up.

Road trip first thing back to Kisbey to get the General and the straight header. That went without incident...unlike the 40 minute wait for our breakfast at the Skyline...and the horrible cup of coffee to go that Marilyn insisted on grabbing before we left for Kisbey. She actually threw it out and for someone who always has half cups laying around, that was really painful.

We got back to Carlyle with the header and Big Gen, then Al got the pickup head loaded and tied down on the trailer before moving the combine trailer so we could load up. It went surprisingly well considering it had been even longer than the Gettysburg stay...45 days this time! We got the combine loaded then moved on to the tractor and cart, which went even faster.

Al had AIS by 3pm so we could beat the sunset and we were on the road by 2:45pm...ahead of schedule. This leg of our journey was going to take us to Esterhazy, even though Marilyn had sworn that we would not be combining north of the Qu'Appelle Valley. She has a new camper dangling in front of her and since we will not be going back south for soybeans, it was time to bite the bullet. Besides, it is 85 miles closer to Yorkton which means Al will be able to make a couple or more hockey games.

The trip up was wind and not a lot of traffic, so it went pretty fast. We unloaded on the road, then moved everything into the field across the road that had already been combined. We took a tour around the half section to see how the mud situation was...lots of ruts on the outside rounds but it has been down for 2 weeks and the weather has been good, so hopefully there won't be too many problems. We stopped in Whitewood for supper on the way back to Carlyle...more crappy service, but Marilyn won $10 on scratch tickets...and spent $7 to get it.

Tomorrow we break camp and get the rest of the stuff moved...

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