Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 28, 2011

View of the day-Justin opens up the last of the field so Marilyn doesn’t get stuck.

Last night just before we went to bed, Al was reading the Green Sheet and looked up to see a mouse running across the floor and disappearing into a hole in one of the drawers on the steps to the bedroom. This drawer has several pairs of shoes, so Marilyn went in and shook them all out looking for the luck...but Al went over to the General and got his mousetrap to lay a trap line

Not long after Al had gone to bed, Marilyn was watching TV and noticed something out of the corner of her eye...a mouse scampered from under the kitchen table across the floor and under the counter...she went looking for it but couldn't find it anywhere. About a half hour later, she could hear some scratching under the counter. She went to investigate and discovered the mouse had somehow gotten stuck between the garbage bag and the plastic garbage can...there was only a used coffee filter in the new garbage bag, so she could see the mouse through the plastic trying to lay low. She took the can out to the dumpster and emptied it...with great force...if it happened to live; at least it would find better things to eat and would leave us alone.

We went to sleep thinking the coast was clear, but had the trap set...just in case. About 4am we woke up to the sound of rain falling on the camper, it was heavier than yesterday’s early morning shower, but it didn’t last too long…it did settle the dust and that meant we would be able to sleep in. Too bad the mouse didn’t get the memo…he was back scratching at 7am. Marilyn got up to see where he was this time, but once again, he was in hiding and we just went back to sleep.

When we finally got up, Marilyn took a look at the trap line and it was empty. She checked through the drawers and discovered that the noise she had been hearing was the little bugger chewing into a bag of licorice twizzlers…he preferred the black to the red.

We went over to the Café for lunch and Charlotte, from the bar, joined us for coffee and told us about some sticky trays that they used when they had mouse problems. She gave us a couple, with a slice of cheese to bait them, then we set them up and went out to do some combining.

Justin was already making dust when we got out there, so Marilyn got right to work and even though there were some pretty soft spots, she managed to finish her share of the field without getting stuck. And that concludes the USA summer harvest for 2011…kind of sad.

Danny led us out of the field the back way so we wouldn’t have to drive through the spongy field…Al was having a hard time finding a solid spot to drive through with the tractor/cart and was having to take smaller loads just to make sure he didn’t sink the cart. By the way, the picture from yesterday with the cart that was sunk…we talked to the farmer in the restaurant and he said between the three combines and two grain carts, on 250 acres they were stuck 25 times!

We got the combine parked in the field across from Charlottes and blew off the header, then got it loaded on the high transport trailer, ready for the wash job and the move north. We pulled the header back to the camper, where Al will get the job of washing it tomorrow while Marilyn blows off the combine, then washes it out at Charlottes.

When we got back to the camper, we were eager to see what our trap line had brought us…success…sort of. There were two small mice stuck to one of the trays…unfortunately, they were quite a bit smaller than the one Marilyn had seen running across the floor last night. Great…a family. Since neither of us could bring ourselves to kill the two mice on the tray, Marilyn just set it outside, hoping they would squirm themselves to death…or something. Out of sight, out of mind.

Marilyn was lucky enough to have the first shower to get rid of all the chaff and dust from the header. Al went on a road trip to have a visit with our friend, Mike, and once he came back, Mike followed him in to drop off a wall clock that Al had purchased…and he wanted to check out the new camper.

After Mike left, there was a knock at the door and Danny was out there wanting to know if we wanted a pizza at the bar. They are closed on Sunday, but since they are part of the family owners, they have some pull, so we went in and had supper with him and Leanne. After that, we went back to the camper…no more mice, so far…and took the rest of the night off.

Not that there was much of it left…

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