Thursday, August 4, 2011

August 4, 2011

View of the day-New boots installed, look out stubble.

We had to wait for the tires this morning, they got in late and the tire man was busy so we had to wait until 11:30 before we could get them. Al went out to the combine and did the servicing, then came back to town and we grabbed an early lunch.

Marilyn had homework to do, she had to sign some cheques for Lynn Prevost, the exec-secretary of the Association of Canadian Custom Harvesters. Lynn had dropped them off with Al yesterday and was coming to pick them up this morning, so she met us at the bins where Al was picking up the General to take it to the field. After getting caught up with the latest news from the Prevost crew, Lynn went back to get their rigs ready to move from Hoven up to Sterling, ND and Marilyn went to pick Al up at the field, so we could get the new tires on the tractor.

It took about 30 minutes and we had the tires sure went a lot easier with the tires are at eye level...the tires were easy to lift the 6 inches from the box of the pickup on to the trailer. With that job done, it was back to the field to start combining.

The John Deere was waiting for parts for the steering wouldn't stay put, which made for an interesting drive...but they know the rules...shut up and drive, so Casey worked on the last 20 acres before Danny was able to get the part. Once the new part was on, we moved over to the next field, right at the junction of highways 212 and 83...LOTS of action at that corner.

Al was kept busy running the cart and taking in every second load to dump at the bins, while Danny did the same with the semi. Marilyn had a rider with her for a while, a gentleman from Indiana who is living his dream by working with a harvest crew for a couple of weeks. He and his son have travelled out from Indiana to work with the Sugden crew. His timing wasn't that good because they had just finished the winter wheat when he arrived and he has had to wait for the spring wheat, which should be ready tomorrow.

We combined until 9pm when it started to get tough, but we still had a good day with Marilyn getting just over 100 acres.

About time we got back to normal...

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