Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 2012

View of the day-A mighty fine looking Titan II…well cared for and very impressive, don’t you think?

Finished the canola! 

We got out to the field around 10 AM and the farmer we are working for was servicing their combines.  Al went over for a gab and found out that the combine they had rented from Machinerylink had a major problem…it had an inspection hole in the block.  A connecting rod broke and the machine was out of commission.

We finished the last of the canola at 2pm, then put the pick up head back on its trailer, then took the combine, tractor and cart the 17 miles back to Cherokee.  John gave us a ride back for the General and the Dodge, then we were all moved back.

Now to get ready for the wheat.  We put the new Macdon header on the combine…Al set the combine for wheat and it was off to the races.  A bit of a change from picking up swaths…a lot more header on the front…NOW it feels like harvest time in Oklahoma.  It seemed like we met more combine crews moving between fields than vehicles on the road…this is action!  The fields are getting knocked down at an amazing rate and with the weather holding for the next few days, we could see the end sooner than anticipated.

The first field went better than the farmer was expecting and test weight was 62.5 lbs No. 1 Hard Red Winter Wheat.  Marilyn had a co-pilot for a round of the field, Roberta…who is 88…gets her annual ride to check things out and have something to tell her friends about back in Enid.

We finished that 30 acre patch, then moved five miles south to start on another 40 acres.  Al called from the Cherokee elevator to say the line-ups were long, but he did get unloaded and by this time Marilyn had called and told him after a couple of rounds the straw was getting tough, so he decided to call it a day at 9:30.

Marilyn loaded the cart then tarped it and came in not too long after and even with the long move, we still managed to get 70 acres harvested today.

Look out tomorrow…

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