Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 2012

View of the day-This is what happens when you don't open the elevator until 10am.

We did a lot of moving today.  Jim, the farmer, came by just after 9am and we started the move by driving back to the farm at Carmen and getting the header into transport.  Jim volunteered to drive the tractor and cart, while Al drove the Dodge and header.  Marilyn brought up the rear in the combine.

We saw this in the farmers yard at Carmen and wonder if anyone knows anything about it...what it is, what model, etc. Send us an email if you have any idea and we will add the info to the slideshow.

The first move was about 18 miles, where we ended up west of Cherokee.  After getting the header back on the combine and cutting a patch to park, we went back to the camper to get the General and drop Jim off at his pickup.  Al went back out to the field and Marilyn picked up lunch before heading out to the field to take over from Al.

We got that field finished around 6pm, then put the header into transport again and moved to the last field we have to do in Oklahoma.  We shuttled the same way we did the first time, moving the tractor, Dodge with the header and the combine about 12 miles south and east.  After cutting around the field to get a patch cut out to load the truck, we all went back to the first field for the rest of the trucks.

Al took the General in to Cherokee to unload, then made it back out to the field in time to get one more load before calling it a night.  Marilyn was somewhat concerned to be attempting this field in the dark, since it was a new field to us and had some wicked terraces.

A lot of the fields have been cut in the area…and we so a lot of area during our moves…but there are still some standing.  Al saw a crew pull in at the elevator and they were unloading the equipment and going out to cut.  It seemed odd, because a lot of crews have been moving north…as we should be, very soon.

It’s ready at Great Bend, Kansas already…

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