Sunday, June 17, 2012

June 17, 2012

View of the day-Everything scattered in Hamill...but at least it made it there without incident.

We were up early and AIS was 7:30am.  By the time we got to Leibenthal, fueled and ready to hit the road it was after 8am and just starting to heat up.

We had a terrific wind pushing us, which really helped keep the trucks from working too hard, although by the time we got closer to our destination it was getting a lot tougher...the heat was stifling.

There was something going on today...perhaps it was just because it was Father's Day...our usually quiet highway was full of traffic, almost all the way to South Dakota. We knew it was forecasted to be in the triple digits in Kansas for today, but we had no idea that to would be that bad in Hamill...105 degrees...we were wrong.

We all know the best thing to do in the heat is load equipment...closely followed by unloading equipment and since we did not suffer enough on the road up, we did the latter.  At least the wind was still huffing to keep some of the sweat off.

We now had to find a new place to unload, since there was a new building where we usually unload. The town is not that busy, so we figured we would just unload in the street. While Marilyn got the header trailer parked, Al unhooked the shop trailer and drove the General far enough ahead so that she could hook up to the shop and get it parked out of the way.

Once we got room to unload, we unchained the combine, got it off the trailer and parked it in the "campground".  Al managed to get the General and trailer pulled in and parked next to Cal's Aker Eater II. By now it was time to turn and burn least five miles down the road before remembering that we had forgotten to grab the license plate for the cargo trailer.  Back we went.

We left for real just after 5pm and this time the traffic was a lot more tolerable. We grabbed a sub in Bassett, NE and dropped the hammer for home. Another 730 mile day and home by midnight.

There will be sleeping in tomorrow...we go back to Cherokee to get the old shop trailer from the hospital...

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