Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 4, 2012

View of the day-Everyone got cranked up today.

We were up early, but we were pretty sure we wouldn't be heading out to the field with the humidity as high as it was.  We went for an early lunch at Pizza Hut, then headed out to the field just after noon.

We stopped at the bins to get the combine and header, then moved out to the field to put the header on and do a test.  We took the sample in to the Albert Coop and it was 15.3%, so we would have to wait a couple of hours and hope that the humidity would go down.  Where was that blistering wind that we usually put up with?

We stopped and got the General moved on the way back to the field, then tried to figure out if we should just sit around and wait...or what?

We then decided, since we were only 40 miles away from Ness City, to pick up the cargo trailer that we had finally decided on.  We called to make sure it was still available, then took off for Ness.  When we got there, Mitch had the trailer lined up and ready to go, so we just had to pay for it, hook on and head back to the bins.

We parked the shop trailer at the bins, then took the tractor and cart out to the field and did another test.  It had come down quite a bit...in parts of the field, at least...so Kevin said "cut a load and see where we are at".  You don't have to tell Marilyn that more than once.

Finally, off to the races.

The first load was 14.7%, but Kevin said it would only get better, so Marilyn continued combining, trying to blend the wetter grain with the dry.  That seemed to do the trick.  

We kept going...Al would just get back to the field as Marilyn would have a load for the General...no rest for him.  The elevator closed at 10pm, so Marilyn got the General and cart full just as she finished the field around midnight.  Not a usual time to quit, but it had been so long...or at least it seemed like it...since we had last combined and there was no point in only leaving a few acres for the morning.

Started at 5pm and took down 80 acres...

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