Sunday, August 12, 2012

August 12, 2012

View of the day-This is the rain gauge out at the combine, just under two inches.  Let's hope this doesn't mean getting jinx.

Marilyn had big plans to make waffles for brunch today and was just getting the ingredients ready, until she realized that the eggs she needed had been used last night for the chef salad.  No waffles today.

Marilyn didn't leave the camper all day, just worked on the computer and watched the closing ceremonies for the Olympics...quite a spectacle. 

Al did go out for a drive to the field to see what was the conditions were you can see, sticky.  At least the grain cart tarp looked a lot better after the rain.  After the tour out at the field, he went into Bismarck to get eggs, so we could at least have our waffles tomorrow.

At least we got to see the sun today...

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