Monday, August 13, 2012

August 13, 2012

View of the day-Sun dogs peeking over the cloud bank coming in from the west this evening.

Al went out first thing this morning to get the General and cart dumped in the bin, then came back to the camper to wait for the dry down.  We didn't do a lot back at the camper while we waited, Marilyn worked on her sewing job which meant getting the big embroidery machine out of its storage spot and getting it set up.

Al decided that 3pm would be the time to go out and do a test...perfect timing...the test was  good enough to go.  Al made a few rounds while Marilyn got the grain cart moved over to the end of the field that we were working on, then it was her turn to take over.

We filled the General a couple more times, then it started to get tough, so while Al was dumping the General for the last time, Marilyn fueled, greased and did the windows on the combine while she waited for him to get back. 
The dust coming off the canola coats everything with a layer of black dust, so there is no way to stay clean, especially when you have to grab the rails to climb up on the combine to service.

Hoping for an early start tommorrow...

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